Paris Hilton Sued $35M for Wearing Wrong Hair

WATCH: Paris Hilton vs. Your Family Vacation

The filing states the company's lost $6.6 million on the launch party alone, although a jury or judge will have to decide whether Hilton owes any money if the case goes to trial.

Phone and e-mail messages to Hilton's publicist Dawn Miller were not immediately returned Wednesday.

The case isn't the first time Hilton's role as a pitchwoman has gotten her sued.

The producers of the film "Pledge This!" sued Hilton in 2008 in federal court in Miami, claiming she didn't properly promote the film. A judge ruled last year that she didn't owe the roughly $8.3 million it cost to the make the film, which played in fewer than two dozen theaters.

The court is still deciding how much, if any, of Hilton's $1 million fee for "Pledge This!" she may have to return to filmmakers.

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